Daryl Lee: The Crime Film as a Metaphor for Art (Honors Lecture)

The lecture was begun by a disclaimer that he was not condoning criminality. This is an important act; we are dealing with a subject matter that necessarily involves evil, even if not inherently evil itself. This suggests the provocative question, why are we thinking about it? What is it’s purpose? Daryl leads us to look at crime as a breaking of rules. Great philosophers like Kant also consider genius in art to be not a following of patterns (rules) but a breaking of them.

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Everything: Lifehouse Skit

Searching for the elusive beautiful YouTube movie, I found the following renditions of a beautiful skit. Tell me, which is your favorite?

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What is your Calling in Life?

It was on my mission that I decided that BYU was definitely the place I wanted to go. On the mission every study session is started with a prayer and we gained a testimony of what it means to have the help of the Spirit in learning. We also listened to spiritual talks, and some of the best of these were produced from devotionals at BYU. I thought, any university where we can be addressed by prophets of the Lord and where we can expect to invite the Holy Spirit is the university I want to be at.

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The Balance Between Financial Success and Giving Back

The following was my essay response to a scholarship question. I don’t consider it to be particularly well written, but I believe the concepts to be true. There is no positive effect that doesn’t come as a result of obedience to some principle or law. Honest wealth comes in the same way, by keeping those principles that create it. The most transcendent principle of wealth is that of service. By providing the service that touches lives some need is met.

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The Pearl of Great Price

Willard Richards rightly entitled the sacred compilation The Pearl of Great Price. Though the contents of this book of scripture have undergone revisions since Richards’ time, the five components currently within The Pearl provide meaningful and pointed insight into the Savior and His atonement, the most important and the defining topic of any book that would fain be scripture. We can see how each of the five contents of The Pearl contribute powerfully to this testimony.

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Differences in the Accounts of the First Vision

Many Latter-day Saints are unaware that there are a number of accounts of the First Vision, with at least four accounts written or dictated by Joseph Smith himself. Some critics of the church have demonstrated their over-eagerness to besmirch the church by claiming that the irregularities in these accounts are demonstrations of the falsity of the account. To best understand where these critics are coming from, as well as the superficiality of such criticisms, it is helpful to consider the accounts for what they are and to find the most distinct differences.

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Abraham and Genesis: Textual Comparison and 5 Distinctions

The only portion of the Book of Abraham that corresponds with any of Genesis is Chapter 2, which lines up roughly with Genesis 11:28-12:13. This is the crucial passage that includes the Abrahamic Covenant, and following is a list of textual differences and an explanation of five important ones. .left, .right { float: none; } Event († denotes only found in Abraham) Abraham Genesis Haran dies; Famine in the land† 2:1 11:28 Sarai barren   11:30       Trip to Haran with Terah 2:4 11:31-32 Go to a land I will show thee.

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What does the term Priesthood in Moses 6:7 mean contextually?

Although we are looking in context, the question of what “this same Priesthood” refers to in Moses 6:7 is not precisely clear. Even within a scope of just three verses there are several possibilities. An argument could be made for Priesthood referring to the genealogy mentioned as a book of remembrance. We understand from an overall look at the subject of Priesthood, as the organization of Heaven and the authority of God, that it is always in conjunction with family and is, particularly, synonymous with godly parenthood.

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The contribution of Moses 4 to understanding the Fall

The most striking distinction of Moses 4 from Genesis 3 is also the first one seen in the chapter: that of the heavenly council and the origins of Satan. While the world tends to view the Fall as the identifying root of humanity and the cause of Original Sin, we read that in instigating it “[Satan] knew not the mind of God.” Moses 4 witnesses to us the full mercy and preparation of God’s plan and the fact that truly a Redeemer was prepared from before the foundation of the world, and therefore before The Fall.

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The Significance of Master Mahan

Interpreting by context, the title Master Mahan means simply “Master of the Secret Combination.” It is first claimed by Cain, and then by Lamech, Cain’s great, great grand-son. In understanding the significance of this term it is important to realize who Cain was. His father was Adam, son of God, prophet on Earth and first holder of the Priesthood. Neither Cain nor Abel were the first children of Adam (Moses 5:2, 16), but certainly Adam taught them in the ways of God, and they would both have received the Priesthood from him.

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