The contribution of Moses 4 to understanding the Fall

The most striking distinction of Moses 4 from Genesis 3 is also the first one seen in the chapter: that of the heavenly council and the origins of Satan. While the world tends to view the Fall as the identifying root of humanity and the cause of Original Sin, we read that in instigating it “[Satan] knew not the mind of God.” Moses 4 witnesses to us the full mercy and preparation of God’s plan and the fact that truly a Redeemer was prepared from before the foundation of the world, and therefore before The Fall. The Fall was a necessary fulfillment of God’s plan, not the ruining of it.

Through Moses 4 we understand the true, exalting nature of this plan – that it is not merely a plan of rescue, fixing us like broken china and putting us back on the heavenly shelf. It is a premeditated plan of construction, making us into something more glorious and mighty than we could ever have been without it.

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